
How to tell if a girl likes you

How To Tell If A Girl Likes You

How to tell if a girl likes you is an essential skill that you need to develop. I am going teach you exactly how to tell if a girl likes you so you can pick up on the queues next time your interested in a girl.

In the “pua” community they call these signs of how to tell if a girl likes you “indicators of interest.” There are certain actions a girl will take that are essential for knowing how to tell if a girl likes you. These are indicators that a girl is interested in getting to know you further (either consciously or subconsciously). The rule of thumb is once you see her preform 3 of these actions you can assume that she’s into you.

Spotting an IOI prior to approaching a girl is called an approaching invitation. If you want to know how to tell if a girl likes you before even talking look to see if  she makes strong eye contact, smiles, or plays with her hair. Frequently if a girl wants you to talk to her she will stand near you, so when your out keep an eye out for girls in close proximity. Most girls won’t start a conversation but they’ll position themselves near you hoping that you’ll chat them up.

How to tell if a girl likes you while your already talking to her shares many similarities. Look to see if she plays with her hair, licks her lips, offers you a compliment, faces you straight on, seems very interested in what your saying, tilts her head to one side, or looks at your lips. Lets go more in depth…

I’m now going to share with you a detailed and comprehensive list of exactly how to tell if a girl likes you!

The indications of How To Tell If A Girl Likes You

  • The girl re-initiates the discussion when there’s a silence or break
  • The girl touches you intentionally (one of the best lines for how to tell if a girl likes you)
  • The girl keeps looking at your frequently (every couple of minutes)
  • The girl plays with her hair to get your attention
  • If you make eye contact with a girl you guys hold it for a couple secs
  • The girl gives you a smile (one of the best lines for how to tell if a girl likes you)
  • The girl positions herself close to you (one of the best lines for how to tell if a girl likes you)
  • If a girl interrupts a discussion or having or laughs at something you say from a distance
  • If a girls talking to her friends and they all start laughing
  • If a girl asks you for the time, a lighter or starts chatting with you
  • If your talking to her group of friends and the girl is extra talkative (one of the best lines for how to tell if a girl likes you)
  • If a girl asks what your name is (one of the best lines for how to tell if a girl likes you)
  • If a girl asks you how old your are
  • If a girl gives you a compliment of any sort (one of the best lines for how to tell if a girl likes you)
  • If a girl brings up your girlfriend even if she has no clue if you have one or not
  • If your talking about something and she finds out you like it and claims to like it as well or that shes always wanted to do that
  • If a girl calls you a heartbreaker or stud
  • If a girl plays with her necklace
  • If a girl adjusts her bra
  • If a girl asks what area you live in or tells you what area she lives in

That should be quite a good list of indicators of interest for how to tell if a girl likes you. You should have a good idea of what to look for now.

Knowing how to tell if a girl likes you is essential when your out. This article has set the groundwork for knowing how to do so. If you have any questions on the topic or want to share some of your own indicators of interest please feel free to leave a comment below!

Remember: These are just tools for how to tell if a girl likes you, we ALPHA MEN approach any women we find attractive and assume that she’s attracted to us, we don’t need indicators!

